.. testsetup::
from ucamstaffoncosts import *
import datetime
import collections
import datetime
import fractions
from . import costs
from .costs import Scheme, Cost
from .salary.progression import SalaryRecord
from .salary.scales import Grade
__all__ = [
'employment_expenditure_and_commitments', 'CommitmentExplanation', 'Scheme', 'Grade', 'Cost',
[docs]def employment_expenditure_and_commitments(until_date, initial_grade, initial_point, scheme,
start_date=None, from_date=None, occupancy=1,
tax_year_start_month=4, tax_year_start_day=6, **kwargs):
Calculate the existing expenditure and remaining commitments for an employee's contract.
Returns a pair giving the total commitment and a list of :py:class:`CommitmentExplanation`
tuples explaining the calculation.
:param from_date: date at which to differentiate between expenditure and commitments. If
``None``, today's date is used.
:param start_date: date at which employee started. Results will be returned from this date. If
``None``, the "from date" is used.
:param occupancy: proportion of full-time this employee works
:type occupancy: :py:class:`numbers.Rational`
Remaining keyword arguments are passed to :py:func:`costs_by_tax_year`.
>>> from ucamstaffoncosts import Grade, Scheme
>>> from ucamstaffoncosts.salary.scales import EXAMPLE_SALARY_SCALES
>>> initial_grade = Grade.GRADE_2
>>> initial_point = EXAMPLE_SALARY_SCALES.starting_point_for_grade(initial_grade)
>>> scheme = Scheme.USS_EXCHANGE
>>> next_anniversary_date = datetime.date(2016, 6, 1)
>>> from_date = next_anniversary_date - datetime.timedelta(days=400)
>>> until_date = from_date + datetime.timedelta(days=1000)
>>> expenditure, commitments, _ = employment_expenditure_and_commitments(
... until_date, initial_grade, initial_point, scheme,
... from_date=from_date, next_anniversary_date=next_anniversary_date,
... scale_table=EXAMPLE_SALARY_SCALES)
>>> expenditure
>>> commitments
The *occupancy* parameter allows one to specify what proportion of full time this person works:
>>> import fractions
>>> _, half_time_commitments, _ = employment_expenditure_and_commitments(
... until_date, initial_grade, initial_point, scheme,
... occupancy=fractions.Fraction(50, 100),
... from_date=from_date, next_anniversary_date=next_anniversary_date,
... scale_table=EXAMPLE_SALARY_SCALES)
>>> half_time_commitments
Notice that this value is not half of the full-time commitments since employer costs do not
scale linearly!
The first tax year returned will contain the *from_date*:
>>> from_date = datetime.date(2016, 1, 1)
>>> _, _, explanations = employment_expenditure_and_commitments(
... until_date, initial_grade, initial_point, scheme,
... from_date=from_date, next_anniversary_date=next_anniversary_date,
... scale_table=EXAMPLE_SALARY_SCALES)
>>> explanations[0].tax_year
occupancy_fraction = fractions.Fraction(occupancy)
from_date = from_date if from_date is not None else datetime.datetime.now().date()
start_date = start_date if start_date is not None else from_date
start_year = start_date.year
if datetime.date(start_year, tax_year_start_month, tax_year_start_day) > start_date:
start_year -= 1
# Calculate costs
all_costs = costs.costs_by_tax_year(
start_year, initial_grade, initial_point, scheme,
start_date=start_date, tax_year_start_month=tax_year_start_month,
until_date=until_date, **kwargs)
explanations = []
total_expenditure, total_commitment = 0, 0
for year, cost, salaries in all_costs:
# What range of dates does this cover?
start_date = salaries[0].date
end_date = salaries[-1].date
tax_year_start_date = datetime.date(
year, tax_year_start_month, tax_year_start_day)
tax_year_end_date = datetime.date(
year+1, tax_year_start_month, tax_year_start_day)
tax_year_days = (tax_year_end_date - tax_year_start_date).days
# Should never get salary records after until_date
assert end_date <= until_date
# Compute total earnings earned *after or on* the from_date.
earnings_after_from_date = fractions.Fraction(0, 1)
for salary_start, salary_end in zip(salaries, salaries[1:]):
salary_start_date = max(salary_start.date, from_date)
salary_end_date = max(salary_start_date, salary_end.date)
# how many days in this range?
days = (salary_end_date - salary_start_date).days
earnings_after_from_date += fractions.Fraction(
days * salary_start.base_salary, tax_year_days) * occupancy_fraction
earnings_after_from_date = round(earnings_after_from_date)
assert earnings_after_from_date >= 0
assert earnings_after_from_date <= cost.salary
# commitment is share of total cost weighted by the ratio of earnings after from date to
# total earnings for that year
commitment = round(fractions.Fraction(earnings_after_from_date, cost.salary) * cost.total)
expenditure = cost.total - commitment
tax_year=start_date.year, salary=cost.salary,
expenditure=expenditure, commitment=commitment,
salaries=salaries, cost=cost
total_expenditure += expenditure
total_commitment += commitment
return total_expenditure, total_commitment, explanations
_CommitmentExplanation = collections.namedtuple(
'tax_year salary salary_to_come expenditure commitment salaries cost')
[docs]class CommitmentExplanation(_CommitmentExplanation):
An explanation of the commitment calculation for a given tax year.
.. py:attribute:: tax_year
Integer giving the calendar year when the tax year started
.. py:attribute:: salary
Total base salary for the tax year
.. py:attribute:: salary_to_come
Salary which is yet to come. I.e. the salary which has not yet been earned as of the "from"
.. py:attribute:: expenditure
The expenditure for this tax year. I.e. the amount of total cost of employment which has
already been spent.
.. py:attribute:: commitment
The commitment for this tax year. This is the total cost of employment minus the
.. py:attribute:: salaries
A list of :py:class:`~.SalaryRecord` tuples which
explain why the employee's salary is what it is during the tax year.
.. py:attribute:: cost
A :py:class:`~.Cost` tuple explaining the total cost of employment for the tax year.